Boots Opticians
Boots Opticians is based on 9-11 Bridge St, Congleton CW12 1AY. They have a near-perfect rating on Google.
By Boots Opticians
Posted: Sunday, 12th June 2022 2:50 pm

Whether its a routine eye exam, an ocular emergency, or you just wish to browse new glasses, Boots Opticians in Congleton can offer a solution to meet your personalised needs.
We offer a wide range of services:
NHS Eye examinations
Private Eye Examinations
Dry Eye Clinics ( Our resident Opticians is one of only a handful of opticians in the region specially qualified in the diagnosis and treatment of Dry Eye )
Blephex Belpharitis Treatments
Optomap Ultra Widefield Retinal Imaging
CUES Emergency Eyecare Scheme
Extensive range of Designer glasses and Sunglasses
Large range of own brand frames
Hearingcare Service
Cateract referral