My team and their passion is what motivates me - Ten Questions with David Killengray
By Rich Wilcock
9th Mar 2023 | Ten Questions

Every Thursday, we ask Cheshire business people our 10 questions, shining a light on local businesses and the people that make Cheshire a great place to work.
And this week, it's the turn of Spectrum Ophthalmics managing director, David Killengray to answer them.
Based in Macclesfield, Spectrum Ophthalmics is a leading provider of ophthalmic products, equipment and solutions that help advance ophthalmic technology and services within the UK.
1. Best bit of my job is….
Being part of a large pan-European network across Austria, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. We are a network of specialists that offer in-depth knowledge, independent advice, and customised clinical solutions within ophthalmology.
Sharing information from within such a unique organisation with manufacturers and UK-based surgeons to bring forward new technology and education to improve clinical and patient vision outcomes is why I have worked in this industry for as long as I have. Our mission is 'Bringing greater vision to everyone' and this very succinctly captures what we do.
2. Worst part of my job is…
Nothing. The variety in my role keeps me on my toes and is always interesting.
3. What is the most valuable lesson you've learnt in business
Patience and adaptability will serve you well.
4. What is your proudest achievement
I always look back to launching a new phacoemulsification technology (a device intended to break up and remove lenses of the eye that have cataracts) globally that exceeded all expectations within its first year.
5. What are the biggest changes you've seen in the industry since you began?
The single biggest challenge is how prices have been driven downward year after year, setting new challenges to achieve our goals.
6. What motivates you?
My team and the passion they bring (it's the nature of this industry) and the value we add to ophthalmology.
7. What was your first job?
After school, I enrolled in my local college and studied to be a chef. For many years I worked in various restaurants across London. Although I had many great opportunities, I was often working at the weekends when my friends we all out enjoying the social scene. A chance conversation introduced me to the idea of working in healthcare. I was hooked by that conversation and wanted to be involved in helping people and making a positive difference in patients' lives.

8. Describe yourself in three words?
Resilient, adaptable, professional
9. Do you think your friends would describe you as that, or would they describe you as something else?
I hope so!
10. Where is your favourite place in Cheshire
I'm a regular visitor at Tatton Park in Knutsford, there is so much to do. I'm an avid walker and exploring the parkland trails never gets old.
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