Rotary-Congleton Swimathon
Congleton Leisure Centre
15th Mar 2024 - 16th Mar 2024
UNTIL Saturday 16th March

Congleton gets its Swimathon back in March 2024!
Rotary calls for team leaders to start to prepare their team entries for the 2024 Swimathon.
The recently opened Congleton Leisure Centre will host the popular Rotary Swimathon event on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th March in 2024. The Rotary Club says that this is a special occasion, marking the return of Swimathon to Congleton and the first in the new pool. The event is an important fundraiser for local charities.
While the Congleton Leisure Centre was being rebuilt, the Swimathon event moved to Biddulph. While the facilities at Biddulph Leisure Centre were superb, the distance from Congleton meant that it was more difficult for several of the 'regular' Congleton teams to travel. For 2024, the event is back in Congleton.
Organisers, Rotarians Sandra Conway and Rachel Brown say that team leaders need to be prepared for the move back to Congleton. 'It's not too soon to start thinking about building a team and entering. Booking and sponsorship forms are available now on the dedicated Swimathon website. Booking early means that teams get first choice of their preferred day and time.' said Sandra Conway
Swimathon is a unique event that benefits all who take part. It encourages fitness and good heath; it raises money for charities of the swimmers' choice and the whole of the remaining 50% of the monies raised go to Rotary's chosen causes. For 2024, the beneficiaries will be The Old Saw Mill and Listening Out Loud
Entry is free. Teams of from 2 to 8 swimmers get one lane of the baths for just short of an hour and swim as far as they can in a relay. Swimathon is not a competition and swimmers enter to raise money for charity. They get to choose where 50% of the sponsorship money that they raise is spent. The remaining 50% is retained by Rotary-Congleton and every penny is divided between two local charities and good causes of the club's choice. Every swimmer gets a medal and the team is photographed for publicity.
Listening Out Loud has recently opened a cafe and charity shop in Congleton. The aims of the Foundation are to assist ex-servicemen and women and support their wellbeing. The charity, based in Congleton, was set up in 2012 to support veterans affected by homelessness and mental health issues.
The Old Saw Mill works to enhance the lives of people who are socially isolated, lonely and in need of additional support. It provides a meeting place for groups of people with challenging problems and seeks to give stimulation by crafting, singing or simply having fun.
Apart from the years that the Leisure Centre was out of action, Swimathon has taken place in Congleton, every year for over 20 years.
The Swimathon website provides all the detailed information that team leaders and swimmers need including registration, booking and sponsorship forms.